marți, 9 decembrie 2008

Scrisoare catre Moş Crăciun

Şi în anul acesta mi-am permis să te deranjez,dragă Moşule, pentru a-ţi spune că şi în acest an îmi doresc ceva. Îmi doresc să pot fi alaturi de toţi cei dragi şi aş mai dori un telefon şi o camera foto. Dacă luăm în considerare notele pe care le-am obţinut în acest an şi modul în care m-am comportat cu cei din jurul meu,cred că merit ceia ce mi-am permis să-ţi cer;dar dacă nu poţi să-mi aduci anul acesta,ce ţi-am cerut nu-i nimic,o să-mi aduci în alt an, căci nu este ăsta ultimul an în care îmi poţi aduce cadouri.Spun asta pentru că,eu cred că sunt alţi copii care au mai mare nevoie de tine,decât am eu acum şi nu mă supăr dacă în acest an îi vei ajuta pe ei.

Cu drag,

miercuri, 3 decembrie 2008

The statue of Vasile Alecsandri

Vasile Alecsandri
1821, July 21 The future bard in born in Bacau. From a small landlords family Vasile Alecsandri and Elena Cozoni, daughter of a Greek from Romania. As in a story, they were seven children, but they remained only three: the beautiful Catinca, Iancu - the future colonel and Vasile, who will become king of poems.
1828 The father, become rich from salt and cereals trade, buy the estate from Mircesti, near Siret river, wanted for a long time, during his travels from Bacau to Iasi and beyond Prut river. Vasile will learn in the family houses from Iasi with a monk from Maramures, Gherman Vida. Vasile Porojan, a gispy boy, will become his playmate from Mircesti.
1828-1834 Study at the V.Cuénim pension, being collegue with Kogalniceanu.
1834 Study trip to Paris, where he takes his leaving school examinations in 1835. Tries to study chemistry, medicine, law, but renounce fast, being passionate by the literature.
1878 Cântecul gintei latine, poem awarded at a contest from Montpellier (France).
1879 Is played his drama Despot-Voda, awarded with the Great Prize of the Romanian Academy.
1881 Writes the national fairy play Sânziana si Pepelea.
1883 Finished the drama Fântâna Blanduziei.
1885 At the National Theatre is the opening night of the drama Ovidiu.
1890 Ill of cancer for a long time, dies during the summer, at August 22, in his house from Mircesti. His hearse was a chariot pulled by four oxes.
The statue of Vasile Alecsandri, brilliant Romanian poet and man of letters, guards its entrance. It is the work of W. Hegel and it was inaugurated in 1906. Nearby, there is the statue of Avram Goldfaden, founder of the first ever Jewish theatre. It was erected at the middle of last century.